Wow, 6 months has passed! I am gonna give this blogging thing a shot again. Lots has happened in the past months; AJ & Julia are married, Joshua is in Grand Rapids, I'm full time at the church, back part time at Tyndale. Exciting stuff, eh?
I'm taking 2 classes; Counselling Adolescents and Their Families & Systematic Theology. I've got lots of new stuff that Dr. Shepherd throw in front of us in his lectures. We really need to think and read more. Seemingly simple assumptions about God, our faith, or views on humanity can and do quickly undermine the nature of the Gospel, the functioning of the Church and our relationships. It is very exciting to learn!
Sweet cut Gowdy ; )
whoa, you still exist. :)
so, I'm at Asbury. and, this summer I might be at Kate's church for an internship. Free Methodist Church here I come... :)
wow. cant believe youre a kiddy diddler
FUCKING nasty dirty pig face!! You dirty piece of shit. I pray to God that no children where harmed you low life scum bag!
For the love of Christ is an awful thing. There is nothing in that which goes half way, or which makes exception. The Son of God loves so utterly that He will have His children clean, and if hurt and sorrow, pain and torture, will do to deliver any one of them from the horrible thing... the loving Christ, though it hurts Him all the time, and though He feels every sting Himself, will do it. Quote by George MacDonald
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