Energizer's got nothing on us!
I've been challenged by a series of recent events to determine why we do what we do. Is it for appearance? Is it for prestige and notarity? Pride? Love? Contrition? Because that is all we can do in light of grace? Because it is our area of giftedness? Because it is our passion?
Jesus was a servant because he was demonstrating the Kingdom and gave His all. David gives us a practical reminder in our sacrifcie in 2Samuel 2:24, "I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing." Do we "do" minstry only because it gives to us? Or because it costs us to respond in worship? When we serve are we keeping "our spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Romans 12:11. It is amazing to see that verse in a new light. I thought serving God and maintaining our spiritual fervor was up to us. It's not! As we serve God we receive and He renews our passion to serve and live for him. It's the ever recharging battery. How great is our God.
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