God is his Word. How about this? In these days when politicians rhyme off promises and break them without batting an eyelash. People rarely keep their committments. We hear the saying "talk is cheap". God keeps him promises, His Word is power, life, truth and it is Himself. Jesus is the Word (John 1:1) When we think God is asking us to live a life of rules when we read the 10 Commandments we could not be further from the truth. God's commandments are a promise of Himself to help us reach the goal. For example, when God tells us not to worship any other gods He does so because we need no other gods. Any other thing that we might worship ultimately falls short and leaves us wanting more. If we want something to worship (and we all do) we will find that need met in Him because he is all. He is Yahweh. God created by His Word. He gives us life through His Word. He sustains us by His Word. How good is that?!
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