Do we carry through? Do what you say, and say what you do? I don't like it when others put expectations on me that they know would be good for themsleves to practice. It is frustrating and levels an unfair playing field. "Here's a good idea, now go do it (but I'm not going to 'cause I can't be bothered).
Kris Gowdy
.......I/Thou - created for relationship
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Live creatively friends. God is all about restoring giving life and giving grace. Take a look at Eugene Peterson's paraphrase and let God's Spirit do the growth work in you. Galatians 6:1-16 from the Message
Friday, May 11, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I am praying "God incline my heart towards you." See Deuteronmoy 5:29. The decalogue is not a means to attain salvation. It is a symptom of a heart that is passionately poured out to God, just like the woman in Luke 7.
Monday, February 26, 2007

Thanks!! I got a reminder and thought I'd pass it onto whoever reads this. God answers prayer. God answered something very specific for me regarding one of my teens at the retreat this past weekend. As we were in the response time I had failed to acknowledge God's answer. He let me know in a gentle way he had answered that prayer. An overwhelming feeling of gratitude overcame me. God prompted me not so he could gloat but to show me that he's really interested and more than able to do all that we ask or imagine. How good is that, eh?
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pastor = Shepherd - I just spent the weekend at Echo Lake and I am off to another Senior Teen retreat this weekend. I've also headed back to highschool this semester to get to know the 11th graders in the horticulture class. I guess I needed to be reminded that what I am doing is important and essential. God is good like that to encourage us and give us these nudges to let us know that we need to keep on keeping on. After some tough stuff last week that could & would affect the way I do ministry God gave me these things to show me that I need to stand up for the important stuff and not give in to a lesser agenda imposed by others.
God is relationship exemplifed by the trinity - relationship within himself. People are designed with his image - more and more I realize that has less to do with what we look like, but has more to do with need for community and relationship. Then the more I see Jesus' ministry was really all about relationship and community than it was administration, policy and maintaining the status quo.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Wow, 6 months has passed! I am gonna give this blogging thing a shot again. Lots has happened in the past months; AJ & Julia are married, Joshua is in Grand Rapids, I'm full time at the church, back part time at Tyndale. Exciting stuff, eh?
I'm taking 2 classes; Counselling Adolescents and Their Families & Systematic Theology. I've got lots of new stuff that Dr. Shepherd throw in front of us in his lectures. We really need to think and read more. Seemingly simple assumptions about God, our faith, or views on humanity can and do quickly undermine the nature of the Gospel, the functioning of the Church and our relationships. It is very exciting to learn!