Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"That's all I can stand...I can't stands no more." Popeye the Sailorman
Credit goes to Bill Hybels for stirring me to share this with you. Like Popeye what moves you to action? What can you stand no longer? What is your "Holy discontent"? When you can grasp and articulate it you've got a precursor to your God given vision. May you understand God's heart and the purpose for which he has called you then go and bring the Kingdom as he has equipped you.

Friday, March 24, 2006

I am seeing a Spiritual Director as part of the Spiritual Formation class I am taking at Tyndale. This question arises from my discussion with him yesterday. Since friendship is a reciprocal arrangement, we give and share back and forth with our friends. Jesus has called us friend as well. Have you ever stopped to consider what Jesus receives from us? What do we bring into our friendship with Him that we give to him?